Store Wars

Store Wars is a project that three classmates and I worked on while at DeVry. The game involves deathmatch-style combat that takes place within a "super-store." Players are able to use store items as weapons in combat, and are able to interact with the shelves and explore all of the rooms contained in the store.

I was the team lead for this project, so I was involved in some manner with every part of this project's development. I worked on the level's Kismet and UnrealScripts. I was also involved in designing the level beyond the BSP level.

After the project had completed, I added Physics to many of the level's objects, some AI bots for solo-play, and a crowd system to populate the level with NPCs.




Defence of Marcabia

Defence of Marcabia is a classic 2D shooter in the same style as R-Type or Gradius. I originally built a 1-level version of this while at CVCC, and then I re-vamped the gameplay and added the second level while at DeVry. The game features a save system to keep track of the player's lives, score, and other important variables. There are also scripted boss and enemy movements, and a 90s-era "death" system where the player's ship is invulnerable for a few seconds after re-spawning (this also prevented a great deal of bugs.)

I created all of the gameplay and scripting for this game. I did not create most of the sprites for this game.




MTG Sample Hand Generator

Click here for a Excel/VBA tool to test sample hands for your next deck!

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